

The Country Woman is a community of women on the web, and we welcome country women everywhere, as we hope you will welcome us.

Whether you have the country all around you or simply in your heart, you're probably like us in many ways - sometimes young women, possibly senior citizens, probably wives and mothers, maybe you garden, maybe you cook, maybe you knit, crochet, quilt, craft, you're working at home, you're working outside the home (in hundreds of different jobs), you may be a caregiver or maybe you're receiving care, you exercise and diet (or not), you're building, you're dancing, you're painting (could be a picture, might be the house), you're grooming the dog, massaging the cat, milking the goat, and so on. But like every woman in the world, you're sorrowing and rejoicing, weeping and laughing, struggling up and falling down, despairing and hoping, often loving, sometimes losing, planning and dreaming -- simply living and dying, and trying to make sense of what's in between.

Please continue to visit us and read THE COUNTRY WOMAN'S JOURNAL, learn about life in OUR HOMETOWNS, find out what women are thinking about and talking about in COUNTRY WOMEN HEART-to-HEART, enjoy country homemaking at CRABAPPLE COTTAGE, and review ideas and issues, projects and programs related to the health and well-being of women and those they love through LIFE LINKS.

We'll tell you what we're doing here... then maybe you'll tell us what you're doing there!


We'll tell you what we're doing here... then maybe you'll tell us what you're doing there.

Send your stories, poems, recipes, anecdotes, artwork and photos to:

copyright ©2006 The Country Woman